Consumer Information
The consumer information page contains important resources for prospective and current GW students and to assist the GW community in finding important institutional information.
Please include your name and GWID on all documents. If documents are submitted without a GWID they will not be retained. You may submit documents using our secure link,
Please do not submit duplicate documents as this will delay processing. Allow 3-7 business days for cataloging the submitted information. Please check the status of your submitted information via GWEB financial aid requirements.
Aid offers are made after the priority consideration deadlines once all required application materials are received. Priority deadlines: First year, March 1 and continuing May 1.
Application Forms:
Other Forms:
Verification Forms:
Application Forms:
Other Forms:
Verification Forms:
Burgess Long-Term Loan Application
Emergency Loan Application- Please contact the Office of Financial Aid for the application. Students may only apply for aid in the fall and spring semesters. Emergency Aid must be paid back within 90 days. Emergency loans in excess of $200 cannot be paid back in a subsequent academic year with federal student aid. If you have questions, please contact the Office of Financial Aid.
2024-2025 GW MD/MPH Program Financial Aid Request Form
2025 Financial Aid Summer Addendum
The consumer information page contains important resources for prospective and current GW students and to assist the GW community in finding important institutional information.