GW Scholarship Sources

Because of the generosity of GW SMHS alumni, friends, staff, and faculty, the GW SMHS MD Program offers the following named scholarships to medical students. These scholarships reflect their commitment to supporting the next generation of GW SMHS physicians. Scholarships range from a few hundred dollars to full tuition for up to all four years of medical school. For additional information, contact the MD Program Office of Financial Aid.

Scholarships with Application Requirements

All medical students who complete the GWay Endowed Scholarship Applications and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) are considered for the scholarships listed below. The GW SMHS Scholarship Committee determines the scholarship selections each year. Priority deadline for GWay August 5th, application closes October 13, 2024. Students will be notified via email of their awards on a rolling basis as awards are made. Students awarded endowed scholarships will be able to review the award on the GWeb Financial Aid award screen and the GWay dashboard. Post acceptance requirements will be requested for applicabe endowed funds. Endowed scholarships are not renewable (unless otherwise specified) and students must re-apply annually via GWay. The Office of Financial Aid has created a FAQ to help you with the application.

Some scholarships below require additional application requirements, or may be awarded in the spring semester. The application process will not be open for all scholarships each year because many of the scholarships are renewable and/or subject to satisfactory academic progress policies. The MD Program Office of Financial Aid will contact medical students via email starting in mid-October when the application process opens each year.

Name Description
Adopt-a-Doc Scholarship

This scholarship supports one student throughout that student's four years of medical school in equal installments. The Adopt-a-Doc scholarship program was established in 2010 with a gift from pediatrician Russell Libby, MD '79.  

The deadline for Adopt-a-Doc scholarship application is  January 5th. Please take some time to complete the application, as this is a great opportunity. Only first-year medical school students need apply.

Application Requirements (all documents must be labeled with name and GWID at the top of each page):

1.GWay applications by October 13.

2. Please provide a current brief resume or CV.

3. Please attach no more than one (1) page in response to the following:
a.  You must included your Name, Email Address, GWID at the top of your essay.
b. What activities/events have you engaged with since becoming a GW medical student and what have you accomplished in being part of these activities?
c. What do you consider to be your highest leadership achievement so far?
d. What academic, community, professional, or other activity are you most proud of?
e. What are your long-range goals in medicine?  Do you have an interest in a specific specialty (primary care, neurology, orthopaedics, etc.)?

4.Please email your application materials with the subject line: your last name, ADOPTADOC2025.

Please note, some of the donors of the Adopt-a-Doc scholarships have requested that the award be given to students with demonstrated financial need. By submitting an application for an Adopt-a-Doc scholarship, you consent to share financial aid information submitted to the Office of Financial Aid with the Scholarship Committee. 

Henry and Mary Amster and The Louise Greenberg Amster Scholarship Endowment in Medicine Established in 1998 by Milton W. Amster, MD '32, BA '29, this fund supports medical students who have demonstrated interest, understanding, commitment, and knowledge of and service to the Jewish community. Candidates that serve in leadership roles in Jewish student organizations are encouraged to apply.
Eleanor and Michael Burda Scholarship Fund This fund provides two medical student scholarships—one for a female (Eleanor Van Horn Burda Scholarship) and one for a male (Michael Burda Scholarship). Preference is given to students who are children of members of the American Postal Workers Union, the National Association of Letter Carriers, or children of U.S. Postal Service employees. If no applicants in a given year meet these criteria, then students living in the Washington, D.C., Maryland, or Virginia areas, or children or grandchildren of former employees of Burda and Associates are eligible. This scholarship was first established in 1999 and amended in 2003.
Eugene B. Casey Scholarship Fund This fund provides a four-year scholarship for tuition, room, and board to one medical student with demonstrated financial need. It was established through a transfer from the Eugene B. Casey Student Loan Fund in 2009.
Joseph Collins Foundation Scholarships This fund supports medical school students who intend to specialize in neurology, psychiatry, or wish to become a general practitioner; have financial need; and have an outstanding academic record. Additionally, applicants must have a demonstrated interest in the performing arts, fine arts, or literary activities. Please note that although GW administers this scholarship, funding comes from the Joseph Collins Foundation.
Corbett Scholarship This fund was established in 1989 by a gift of Elma Williams, BA '54, through The Columbian Women of the George Washington University, to support scholarships for outstanding female medical students with need. Application is not required for the 2023 cycle.
Jesse Fant Evans Scholarship

Established in 1967 by the bequest of Jesse Fant Evans, EdD '32, through The Columbian Women of the George Washington University, this fund provides financial assistance to outstanding female medical students with need. Application is not required for the 2023 cycle.


Bernard and Mildred Katzen Scholarship Fund This fund is for first-year medical students who have demonstrated exemplary achievement and have limited financial means. The endowment was established in 2000 by Harvey Irwin Katzen, MD '75, and Barbara Katzen.
Mary and Daniel Loughran Foundation Medical Scholarship Fund Established in 1976 by a gift from the Mary and Daniel Loughran Foundation, this fund provides assistance to medical students who are residents of the Washington, D.C., metro area, based upon character and financial need.
GW Confucius Institute Shih Scholarship Established in 2014, this fund is for current or future George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences medical students who have demonstrated an interest in integrating traditional Chinese medical practices (such as acupuncture) with Western Medicine. Students should explore the requirements and criteria.
Shim Scholarship Established in 2006 by Jungho Shim, MD, BS '88, and Mrs. Susan Shim, this fund provides financial assistance to medical students with a demonstrated interest in Korean affairs.
Ronald W. Smith Family Endowment Established in 1996 from the estate of Ronald W. Smith, MD '57, this fund provides first-year medical students with financial assistance. Scholarship applicants should meet one or more of the following criteria: have family home residences in states without medical schools, especially states in the upper Northwest; be of American-Indian heritage, especially those from the Western states; have a family heritage in Scotland or Wales, especially those who are first generation Americans; and/or demonstrate significant financial need.
Eugene Stevenson, MD '60, Scholarship Fund Established in 2007 by Ricci Minella, MD '84, this fund provides assistance to medical students with financial need with preference given to those who currently are employed and/or come from single-parent families.
Tauber Holocaust Memorial Scholarship For Medicine This fund provides assistance to medical students with significant financial need with preference given to students who are descendants of World War II veterans. The fund was established in 2003 by Laszlo N. Tauber, MD, HON '97 in memory of his parents, uncle, brother, and other victims of the Holocaust. The application requirements are found here: Tauber. Deadline TBD 2025.
Willey Scholarship Established in 1980 by the Gordon Fay Willey Trust, this fund provides tuition assistance to medical students who are children of enlisted, non-commissioned officers and officers below the rank of Major in the U.S. Army or corresponding rank in the U.S. Navy, or children of Masons.
Wilson Scholarship Created in 1926 by a gift from Elizabeth Wilson in memory of her parents, Lewis D. and Myrtie H. Wilson, through The Columbian Women of the George Washington University, this fund provides assistance to outstanding female medical students with need.
GW University Hospital Women's Board Scholars Program Every year the Women’s Board provides financial assistance to a first-year medical student in need of financial aid, and provides support to fourth-year medical students based on academic excellence, community involvement, and demonstrated commitment to the field of medicine.



Name Description
Class Of 1979 Scholarship Established in 2005 by members of the MD Class of 1979, this fund provides assistance to medical students with financial need.  
GW Medical Class of 1980 Student Scholarship This fund supports medical students that have financial need. The scholarship was established in 2006 by members of the Class of 1980, including reunion chairs Deborah S. Sarnoff, MD '80, and Claire M. Warren, MD '80.
SMHS Class of 1981 Endowed Scholarship Established in 2011 by members of the MD Class of 1981, this fund provides assistance to medical student with financial need.
Herbert and Ruth Abramson Scholarship Fund Established in 1996 by Ruth H. Abramson, BA '41, this fund provides loans, grants, or scholarships to medical students.
Bryan J. Akman Scholarship Fund This fund supports medical students with demonstrated financial need. It was established in 2013 by the estate of Leonard C. Akman, MD '43, BA '41.
Cecile and Seymour Alpert, MD, Medical School Scholarship and Lecture Fund This fund supports an annual lecture in anesthesiology and provides assistance to medical students. It was established in 2008 by Cecile Alpert and Seymour Alpert, MD '47, HON '84.
Harvey H. Ammerman, MD '43, and Bruce J. Ammerman, MD '72, RESD '77, Medical Student Scholarship Established in 1999 by the Ammerman Family Foundation, this fund is awarded annually to a medical student who best demonstrates the qualities of compassion, intellectual vigor, and dedication that Harvey Ammerman, MD '43, BS '39, and Bruce Ammerman, MD '72, RESD '77, brought to the practice and science of medicine. Medical students with financial need are also considered.  
Ella F. Andrews Scholarship Fund Established in 1996 through a bequest from Ella F. Andrews, MD '39, MA '35, BA '34, this fund supports female medical students.
Ruth Barnard and E. Pendleton Parker Memorial Scholarship Fund Established in 2003 by the estate of Ruth Ann Parker Wells, BS '34, this fund provides assistance to medical students with financial need.
Anna Bartsch Scholarship Fund This fund supports a female, fourth-year medical student who demonstrates outstanding scholarship, character, and promise. This fund was established in 1946 by Anna Bartsch-Dunne, MD, in memory of her mother Anna Bartsch.  
Jack I. Bender Scholarship Fund Created in 1967 by gifts in memory of Jack I. Bender, this fund provides financial assistance to medical students.
Adolphus B. Bennett Trust Scholarship Established by the bequest of Adolphus Bennett in 1990, this fund provides assistance to medical students based on financial need.
Areta C. Boone and Edna E. Boone Endowment Fund Established in 2008 by Areta C. Boone and Edna E. Boone, this fund will be used for highest priority initiatives, deemed by the Dean and Vice President for Health Affairs.
Irene Uhrik Boone Memorial Fund Established in 2015 from the estate of Zenas Boone in memory of Irene J. Uhrik Boone, MD '51, this fund supports medical students with financial need.
Robert E Boswell, MD '32, and Mildred A Boswell, RN '30, Scholarship Fund This fund supports scholarships for medical students with financial need who are from Ohio or the Midwest. Robert Boswell, MD '32, and Mrs. Mildred Boswell, RN '30, established the fund in 1999.
Thompson H. Boyd Student Aid Fund Created in 1992 by a gift from the Thompson H. Boyd Trust, this fund provides financial assistance to medical students. Dr. Boyd was an MD graduate in the Class of 1949.
Everett Lamont Bradley Scholarship Fund Established in 1954 by the bequest of Alice Bradley in memory of her son, Everett Lamont Bradley, this fund provides financial assistance to medical students.
Catherine Breen Student Assistance Fund Established in 1996 by gifts in memory of Catherine Breen who was an SMHS administrator for more than 50 years, this fund supports medical students with financial need.   
Reed Brockbank Endowment Fund Established by W. Reed Brockbank, MD '48, in 2016, this fund supports medical students.  
Edith P. Brown Medical Scholarship Fund Established in 1985 from the proceeds of the life income fund of Edith P. Brown, MD '20, this fund provides financial assistance to medical students.
Samuel & Mary T. Burgess Scholarship Fund Established in 2003 by the estate of Mary T. Burgess, this fund provides up to one-half of tuition expenses for a medical student.
Helen Rose Buro Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund This fund provides support to one medical student with financial need. It was established in 2011 by Edward Buro, DPM, and Barbara Buro in memory of their daughter who passed away at the age of five from neuroblastoma.
Elma S. Carr Scholarship Fund Established in 1932 at the bequest of Emma S. Carr, MD '28, MA '21, BA '20, this fund provides assistance to medical students with financial need.
Agnes Neuser Chowe Scholarship Fund Established in 1987 from the estate of Agnes Neuser Chowe, this fund provides financial assistance to medical students.
Kathleen Shanahan Cohen Scholarship Fund Established in 2011 by the estate of Kathleen Shanahan Cohen, MD '48, this fund supports female medical students.
Naomi and Nehemiah Cohen Foundation Scholarship Fund Established in 1987 by a gift from the Naomi and Nehemiah Cohen Foundation, this fund provides financial assistance to medical students.
Oliver C. Cox Scholarship Fund Established in 1973 from the Eugene and Bertha Brown Trust in memory of Oliver C. Cox, MD, this fund provides assistance to medical students.
Dr. Jack and Miriam Crowell Memorial Scholarship Fund for Medical Scholarships Established in 2016 by the bequest of Miriam Paskow Crowell, this fund provides support to medical students with financial need.
Abraham W. and Sophie Danish Scholarship Fund This fund provides tuition assistance to medical students of merit with demonstrated financial need. It was created in 2003 by an amendment to the Danish Loan Fund, originally established by the Abraham W. and Sophie Danish Scholarship Fund.
Dr. Marian Dorset Memorial Scholarship Fund Established in 1999 by V. Jackson Dorset, MD, in memory of Dr. Marian Dorset, this fund provides financial assistance to medical students.
Hilda E. Drake Foundation Scholarship Fund Established in 1989 by the bequest of Hilda E. Drake, this fund provides support to third- and fourth-year medical students with financial need who are specializing in ophthalmology.
C. B. Ethridge Scholarship Fund This fund provides assistance to medical students. It was established in 2000 by the trust of Clayton B. Ethridge in honor of Mary Magdalene C. Ethridge and Rosa E. Sander Ethridge.
John Smith Featherston and Nora Hull Featherston Endowed Scholarship This fund provides tuition assistance to medical students with exemplary academic achievement. It was established by John Smith Featherston, MD '46, and Nora Hull Featherston in 2001.
Feldman Family Endowment Established in 2016 by Irvin Feldman, MD ‘33, BA ‘30, and Miriam Feldman, BA ’34, this fund supports medical students with demonstrated financial need.
Morris H. And Pauline L. Goldenberg Scholarship Fund Established in 1979 by a gift from Morris H. and Pauline L. Goldenberg, this fund provides support to medical students with an expressed interest in radiology.
Greenlee Family Endowment Fund Established in 2016 by Mrs. Jean Greenlee, widow of Robert L. Greenlee, MD '49, and former parent, this fund provides support to medical students with financial need.
Alec Horwitz, BA '20, MD '32 and Norman H. Horwitz, MD, Research and Education Fund Revised in 2014 based upon the request of the Horwitz family, this fund provides financial assistance to medical students. In addition to tuition assistance, this fund supports research objectives in surgery and neurosurgery, and provides research awards to neurosurgery residents to pursue extramural research and educational opportunities.
Dr. Thelma Hunt Medical Scholarship Fund Created in 1992 from the charitable remainder trust proceeds of the Thelma Hunt Healy, MD '35, PhD '27, BA '24, this fund provides full or partial scholarships to medical students.
Albert A. and Esther C. Jones Scholarship Fund Established in 1981 by the bequest of Albert A. Jones, this fund provides financial assistance to medical students.
Elizabeth Sartor Kahler, MD, and Ervin N. Chapman, MD, Scholarship Fund Established by Elizabeth Kahler, MD '40, MA '35, BS '33, this fund supports medical students.
Robert I. Keimowitz Scholarship Fund Established in 1995 by gifts in honor of Robert I. Keimowitz, MD, this fund provides financial assistance to medical students.
Ludwig C. and Persis Marti Kroutil Memorial Fund Established in 2000 by a bequest from Ludwig C. Kroutil, MD '43, BA '41, this fund provides support to medical students.
Stanley F. Kulaga Endowed Medical Scholarship - Quasi-Endowment Established in 2016 from a bequest by Stanley F. Kulaga, MD '64, this fund provides assistance to medical students with financial need.
The Shelly Laby-Gottheim Memorial Scholarship Fund Established in 2004 by Eric Gottheim in memory of his beloved wife, Shelley Laby-Gottheim, MD '83, this fund provides assistance to medical students with financial need.
Sidney A. Levine Scholarship Fund Established in 1981 by trustee Sidney A. Levine, MD, this fund provides assistance to medical students with demonstrated financial need.
Barbara Logan, MD, Scholarship Fund Established in 1980 by a gift from George G. Tyler, this fund provides assistance to a third-year medical student with demonstrated financial need who ranked among the top five students during the first two years of medical school.
Diane P. Luckmann, MD, Endowed Scholarship This fund provides financial support to medical students based upon academic excellence and financial need. It was established in 2013 by Diane P. Luckmann, MD '59.
H. George Mandel, PhD, Endowed Memorial Scholarship Established in 2012 by Lara Oboler, MD '95, and Louis Jaffe, this fund provides assistance to a fourth-year medical student with demonstrated financial need. The scholarship will be applied to the recipient's loan debt during his/her final semester.
Medical School Student Assistance Fund Established in 1982 by Harry F. Duncan, this fund provides financial support to medical students.
Dr. Arthur Minsky Medical Scholarship Fund This fund provides assistance to medical students with financial need who also demonstrate a unique capacity to relate to and care about people. It was established in 1986 by Gertrude Minsky in memory of her husband, Arthur Minsky, MD '34, who possessed similar qualities. The family hopes to encourage these same abilities in new physicians.
Nachnani Family Endowment Fund This fund will provide assistance to medical students who are in need of financial assistance and who have strong academic performance. It was established in 1997 by Gurbux H. Nachnani, MD, RESD '70, and Linda Nachnani.
Esther A. Nathanson Memorial Fund This fund provides assistance to medical students based on financial need and academic performance. It was established in 1990 by the bequest of Esther A. Nathanson, MD '25, BA '22.
Carolyn S. and Glen Pincock Scholarship Fund Established in 1995 by Carolyn S. Pincock, MD '34, BA '31, and Glen Pincock, MD '34, this fund supports medical students.
Morris H. and Helen K. Rosenberg Medical Scholarship Fund This fund supports a first-year, female medical student with demonstrated financial need. As long as the recipient meets the scholarship criteria, she will receive the scholarship yearly until graduation. This fund was established in 1986 by Steven J. Katz, Steven Rosenberg, and Jude Rosenberg in honor of Morris H. Rosenberg, MD '41, BA '38, and Mrs. Helen K. Rosenberg to enable GW to enroll talented students in need of financial assistance.
Clayton G. Russell Medical Student Scholarship Fund Established in 2000 by a bequest from Mary I. Rogers, this fund provides financial assistance to medical students.  
Sahni Family Scholarship Fund This fund provides assistance to medical students with financial need and was established by Rakesh Sahni, MD, in 2003.
Sigal Family Scholarship Fund Established by the Sigal Family Trust in 2000, this fund provides support to medical students with financial need.
Alvin Slipyan Scholarship Fund This fund provides financial assistance to medical students. It was established in 1995 by a gift of Sylvia Slipyan Frost in memory of her first husband, Alvin Slipyan, MD '31.
Ira L. Spar, MD, Medical Scholarship Fund Established by Ira L. Spar, MD '68, this fund provides assistance to medical students with financial need.
David Perry Steinman Memorial Scholarship Fund This endowment fund was established in 1961 by gifts from friends and classmates of David Perry Steinman, a sophomore student in the School of Medicine (now known as the School of Medicine and Health Sciences), who passed away on November 2, 1960.  The income earned by this fund supports an annual scholarship to a sophomore student in the school.  The recipient of the scholarship will be chosen annually by the Scholarship Committee of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences on the basis of need and academic performance.
Carol M. and F. Henry Strayer Memorial Scholarship Fund Established in 1994 from the bequest of F. Henry Strayer, MA '39, BS '35, this fund provides assistance to medical students.
Surdna Foundation Scholarship Created in 1985 by a gift from the Surdna Foundation, Inc., the fund provides financial assistance to medical students.
Bernard and Mary Unger Scholarship Endowment Established in 2011 by the estate of Bernard and Mary Unger, this fund provides financial assistance to medical students.
Weingold-Sites Scholarship This fund provides assistance to medical students who demonstrate outstanding achievement and have financial need. It was established in 1993 by gifts in honor of Allan B. Weingold, MD, HON '98, and James G. Sites, MD '47, RESD '51.
James J. Whisman Scholarship Fund Established in 1966 by James J. Whisman, this fund provides assistance to medical students with demonstrated financial need.
Winslow Foundation Scholarship Established by the Winslow Trust in 1988, this fund supports medical students with financial need, who are working their way through medical school, and are residents of Maryland (preference given to those from Montgomery County) or Washington, D.C.
Art and Janet Wong Family Endowed Scholarship Established in 2005 by Art B. Wong, MD '67, and Janet Wong, this fund provides financial assistance to medical students.