PA Cost of Attendance

It is the goal of the GW SMHS Financial Aid Office to provide you with the information necessary to make good choices in financing your Physician Assistant or Physician Assistant/Master of Public Health education. Our office offers a number of programs to assist you in financing your education, including: institutional gift aid scholarships, as well as participating in Federal Direct Loans and assisting students in obtaining private loans. GW SMHS Financial Aid will only certify loans to the total cost of attendance (COA) less any institutional aid, outside scholarships or other outside resources (e.g. AmeriCorps Segal Awards). Costs that may affect the COA are listed below the tables included in each listed cost of attendance below.

Financial aid budgets are intended as a guide to reflect a student's AVERAGE cost of attendance; they do not imply the availability of financial aid funds. Please note that tuition rates and total COA figures are subject to change at any time. Some figures do not represent actual costs, they only serve as a general framework for your personal budget. If you intend to borrow loans to fund the full cost of attendance each year you may incur considerable debt that may have adverse credit. consequences in the future. Therefore, students are strongly encouraged to be mindful of their spending and to try to live below the budget. If you spend more in one budget category you may need to spend less in another.

1. The Tuition category is Tuition only for full-time students. Students who are less than full-time hours (12 credit hours) in any semester should review the Tuition and Fee Schedule for the SMHS. The COA is subject to change based on less than full time hours. 

2. University Fees are assessed to all students registered on-campus.   The Student Government Association Fee is $3.00/credit to a maximum of $45.00/semester for all students.

3. The cost of a required laptop is included in your first semester budget. The Physician Assistant Program requires you to have a laptop and provides required specifications for all laptop computers that will run necessary software here.  Please be aware that this is a one-time allowance except for special circumstances in future years.  

4. The Monthly Budget is the total living expenses divided by the number of months in the academic year; it is provided as a guide. Students are expected to manage resources within the total budget according to their discretion.                                    

5. The Health Care Allowance is approximately $3,000. Health insurance has been split evenly between Fall and Spring semesters. However, your Spring health insurance charge will be greater than your Fall because it covers you in Spring and the trailing Summer.

6. Loan Origination fees are based on average borrowing levels for federal Unsubsidized and Graduate PLUS Loans for the 24-25 academic year.


PA/MPH Year 1

The Financial Aid Office will divide each financial aid year (reflective of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid year) into three semesters: summer, fall, and spring.  Federal direct loan disbursements will be divided equally between fall and spring semesters and summer is a separate disbursement period with an unequal payment. 

PA/MPH joint degree program students only have an annual student activity fee ($500) beginning in summer of year 2 .

PA/MPH Year 1 Summer 24 Fall 24 Spring 25 Total
Start 05/20/2024 08/22/2024 01/05/2025  
End 08/16/2024 12/20/2024 05/02/2025  
Weeks 13 17 17 47
Tuition $18,002 $18,003 $18,003 $54,008
Student Association Fee $45 $45 $45 $135
Health Insurance $800 $1,500 $1,500 $3,800
Computer Purchase $1,650 $0 $0 $1,650
Books $550 $550 $550 $1,650
Living Expenses $9,838 $12,638 $12,638 $35,114
Travel $250 $250 $250 $750
Average Loan Origination Fees $1,310 $1,094 $1,094 $3,498
Total $32,445 $34,080 $34,080 $100,605


Living Expense Breakdown Summer 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025

Rent, Utilities & Food: 


$8,613 $11,263 $11,263
Commuter Expense $250 $100 $100

Personal Expenses: 


$975 $1,275 $1,275
Totals: $9,838 $12,638 $12,638
PA Year 1 & PA/MPH Year 2

The Financial Aid Office will divide each financial aid year (reflective of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid year) into three semesters: fall, spring and summer. Federal direct loan disbursements will be divided equally between fall and spring semesters and summer is a separate disbursement period with an unequal payment. 

PA Yr 1 & PA/MPH Yr 2 Summer 24 Fall 24 Spring 25 Total
Start 06/03/2024 08/26/2024 01/06/2025  
End 08/16/2024 12/20/2024 05/02/2025  
Weeks 11 17 17 45
Tuition $18,002 $18,003 $18,003 $54,008
Fees $500 $0 $0 $500
Student Association Fee $45 $45 $45 $135
Health Insurance $800 $1,500 $1,500 $3,800
Books $550 $550 $550 $1,650
Computer Purchase $1,650 $0 $0 $1,650
Instruments $700 $0 $0 $700
Living Expenses $8,363 $12,638 $12,638 $33,639
Travel $250 $250 $250 $750
Average Loan Origination Fees $1,310 $1,094 $1,094 $3,498
Total Cost $32,170 $34,080 $34,080 $100,330


Living Expense Breakdown Summer 24 Fall 24 Spring 25

Rent, Utilities, & Food:


$7,288 $11,263 $11,263
Commuter Expense* $250 $100 $100

Personal Expenses:


$825 $1,275 $1,275
Totals per semester $8,363 $12,638 $12,638

*Commuter expense is higher in the summer because UPass program only runs during Fall and Spring terms.


PA Year 2 and PA/MPH Year 3- Summer 2024 Semester

If you are already a financial aid recipient, you have likely been packaged for summer '24. Due to the increased tuition rate and living cost adjustment; you will be eligible for a slight increase to your summer package. Please submit a Loan Adjustment Form to increase your loan amounts for the summer session; you can wait until you receive a Cost of Living refund to determine if you want to request that increase.

Start 05/20/2024
End 08/08/2024
Weeks 12
Tuition $18,002
Fees $500
Student Association Fee $45
Books $550
Living Expenses $9,100
Travel $250
Average Loan Origination Fees $1,310
Total $29,757


Living Expense Breakdown Summer 2024

Rent, Utilities, & Food: 


Commuter Expense $250

Personal Expenses: 


Total $9,100


PA Year 2 and PA/MPH Year 3

This chart is for continuing students that will be in rotations for their last two semesters. 

PA Yr 2 & PA/MPH Yr 3 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Total
Start 08/12/2024 01/06/2025  
End 12/13/2024 05/15/2025  
Weeks 18 19 37
Tuition $18,003 $18,003 $36,006
Student Association Fee $45 $45 $90
Average Loan Origination Fees $1,094 $1,094 $2,188
Books $300 $300 $600
Health Insurance $1,500 $1,500 $3,000
PANCE Exam Registration $275 $275 $550
Living Expenses $15,033 $15,033 $30,066
Travel $250 $250 $500
Total $36,500 $36,500 $73,000

Living Expense Breakdown Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Total

Rent, Utilities & Food:


$12,257 $12,257 $24,514

Personal Expenses: 


$1,388 $1,388 $2,776

Commuter Expenses: 


$1,388 $1,388 $2,776
Totals: $15,033 $15,033 $30,066




Increases to the Standard Cost of Attendance

We are unable to increase the COA for any budget allowances not indicated below other than transportation to rotations and extenuating circumstances on a case-by-case basis. A Cost of Attendance Adjustment Form along with required documentation can be submitted via Box. Please include your GWID on documents. 

Deadline for requests: April 15, 2025, unless otherwise noted.


Note: All requests for an increase to the COA must include the documentation mentioned for each category and a signed Cost of Attendance Adjustment Form, which may be found on the forms page. All documentation and the Cost of Attendance Adjustment Form must be submitted four weeks prior to the end of any semester, unless otherwise noted. Requests made after the last day of exams will be processed in the first week of the following semester.


Dependent care costs: For the purpose of determining financial need for federal programs, Congress has mandated that only those costs associated with the student's education be considered. Within the methodology for determining need, Congress has included an income protection allowance for dependents which is subtracted from the student's income. This allowance thereby reduces the expected contribution from the student's household. This allowance is based on national averages. On a case by case basis, where the family's available income is less than the income protection allowance, an addition to the standard budget of a 'dependent care allowance' to reflect costs of food and shelter for dependents may be appropriate. The bottom line is: federal student loans are for student educational expenses only. For married students the responsibility for child care is split and the student may only apply for an increase of 50% of reasonable costs. If the spouse is a stay at home parent, no increase will be made. Appeals may be made for a dependent spouse with challenges that to do not allow them to care for their children. Documentation as to the actual cost will be required. Students should complete a loan increase form.


Disability Accommodation Expenses: For a student with a disability, an allowance for expenses related to the student’s disability. These expenses include special services, personal assistance, transportation, equipment, and supplies that are reasonably incurred and not provided by other agencies. A student is considered to have a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity, such as if the student is deaf, has a mental disability, is hard of hearing, has a speech or language impairment, is visually disabled, is seriously emotionally disturbed, orthopedically impaired, autistic, has a traumatic brain injury, is otherwise health[1]impaired, or has specific learning disabilities that require special education and related services. Students requesting disability accommodation adjustments to the cost of attendance need to request a letter from GW DSS outlining the specific accommodation items that need to be purchased.  Letters need to be dated within 90 days of the request and within the academic semester of the request.  The letter must be submitted with a cost of attendance adjustment form, letters from DSS and your physician and all documentation associated with the costs (i.e. receipts, explanation of benefit letters from your insurance provider, an itemized excel spread with each item purchased listed including: the date of purchase, item purchased and if the receipt is associated with another document being submitted.) 


Laptop Purchasing: Students that have not used that one-time allowance for a computer/laptop purchase or have experienced other special circumstances can request an increase. The maximum allowance for purchase of a computer is $1,650 (see COA table). Requests for inclusion of costs for maintenance and/or repair of a computer will not be considered. However, the cost of a maintenance contract or extended warranty, purchased initially along with the computer, can be included. 


The cost of software, printer cartridges, paper, monthly online service fees, etc. will be assumed to be covered by the books, supplies and miscellaneous allowances already included in the student’s COA. Inclusion of the cost of the computer (or an upgrade) will be allowed only once per program of study (example: once for undergraduate studies, once for graduate studies). Scholarship funds are not available to cover the cost of a computer. Students may apply for federal or alternative educational loan funds. Students should consult with a financial aid counselor to find out about loan eligibility. It is important that you retain your proof of purchase for your computer in case something should happen to your computer. The purchase must have occurred no earlier than 90 days prior to enrollment in your program.


Other expenses. The SMHS Office of Financial Aid may consider other educationally related expenses on a case-by-case basis. If you have an expense that does not meet the guidelines stated above, please contact our office for consideration in person or email us at: medfinan [at] (medfinan[at]gwu[dot]edu)